
Soledad Rosas Alvarez | biblical counselor

HI! My name is Soledad Rosas Alvarez. I am forty-two years old. I was born and raised here in Ensenada. I have been happily married for the last twenty-four years. I have three children who are 23, 18, and 10 years old. I grew up with a beautiful family, me being the seventh of eight children. I married when I was nineteen years old. I currently live in Sauzal de Rodriquez with my family. I worked as a social worker for seven years, then I worked in real estate, but now I love being a stay at home mom. I am so happy to be able to say that I currently serve in taking the word of God to different rehab centers for young women here in Ensenada. Many battle with drug abuse and there is a huge need for peace that is only given through faith in Jesus Christ. I also work as a biblical counselor along with other sisters in Christ in the same centers. This work has really given me a stronger relationship with the Lord in seeing how encouraged and filled with hope the young woman become when they realize that they can have a better life knowing that all things will work for the good. (Romans 8:28)

God bless you


Mayra | Volunteer

Hi! My name is Mayra. I am 24 years old and I'm originally from the state of Sonora, Mexico. I have been living in Ensenada for the last 6 years. I then began my studies in a Bible college and finished after two years. When I graduated in 2015 I made the decision to return to my home where I stayed for eight months. I then returned to serve at the Bible college for three years. Recently I knew God was calling me to ministry in rehab centers with Peter and His wife. I now call CCKaleo my home and this ministry my calling.

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Johana Chaparra Soqui | volunteer

I am from Hermosillo, Sonora. I am currently thirty years old. I am from a church in my home town called "Tree of Life." Four years ago God  showed me that He has called me into missions. At this time I am in my last semester at Calvary Chapel Bible College. Here in Ensenada I currently attend a church called CCKaleo. In addition I serve alongside the Casa Jana team in a few rehab centers where we have the opportunity to minister to many people. God has given me a strong passion to bring the Word of God and help these people through discipleship and counseling, both with those who are inside as well as those on the outside. During this time I have been able to see the importance of discipleship, to follow-up, with each young man or woman that leaves the rehab. I hope to be able to stay in Ensenada and serve in the church and in the rehab centers. I have been able to see how God has put this desire in my heart, even though its difficult, to work with these kids who so desperately need love and direction.